My Special Person

My Special Person

My Mum Cherie


 My mum Cherie has beautiful dark brown and blond hair that flows in the wind and glisten brown eyes that shine in the sun. 


Mum likes baking and cooking, I think she likes baking with me and Isabelle. Lily doesn’t like baking. She is nice and sweet. She has an older sister and a younger sister.


My Mum works for Resolve Technology Limited in Upper Hutt but she has an office in Otaki.


My mum makes me feel safe and loved.

By Ellie

2 thoughts on “My Special Person

  1. Kia ora Ellie, My name is Mikayla from St Pius X Catholic School (SPX)
    I like how you said at the very end that your mum makes you feel safe and you know that she loves you, my mum makes me feel the same way too.
    One thing that you could improve on is when you said ”I think she likes baking with me and Isabelle. Lily doesn’t like baking.” is you can maybe tell who lily and Isabelle are.
    Overall, Ellie I think you did an amazing job and good punctuation.
    I’m looking forward to seeing more interesting blogs from you Ellie.
    If you want to see or comment on any of my blogs here is my website –

  2. Hi Ellie my name is Marie. I like the way you speak about your mum.
    My mum is all so very good at cooking what is your favourite Food
    That your mum Makes? my mum makes the best soup.

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