Month: June 2023

My self profit

We did our self profit I’ll tell you how I did it. First we painted our board white we had to let it dry. When it was dry we chose a colour I chose blue. our teacher took a photo over us and we had to get a black pastel and colour the back over it black. then we got a red or blue pen and drew over the line and when we thought we were finest we lifted up the paper. then we painted over the black lines with black paint and we had to think of 3 or 4 words to put around the pitcher my words are cat, fun and art here is a photo on it.

My option classes

Textiles with Whaea Anne is my favourite subject at the moment. The reason why I like it is because we get to use sewing machines. It’s really fun because we get to make pillows and next year we’ll make bags. first we had to choose what fabric we like. Next we cut the fabric in 20 cm squares you could choose four different colors or two I chose a gray one and a flower one they look really nice together. Next we ironed them and then we are going to sew them together. and then put fluff in them. The easiest thing to do is sew in a straight line but the hardest thing is to thread the needle.