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My writers toolbox


We heard Milly whisper something about two trampolines, a chocolate fountain, and a mischievous parrot.

Here’s the trick: whatever you write, leave us feeling hungry by the end.

Over to you, fudge brownie.


Milly loves sweets so much that she would love to make a house of lollipops and other sweets. when she heard a word like apples or bananas she would make a face of disgust then run and hide so she doesn’t have to eat it. Milly was sleepy so she went to bed and fell asleep. then she heard someone scream and she got up to see what it was. it turns out it was her mum screaming because the house had become a chocolate pool she swam and swam. then her alarm went off she woke with a fright. It was school time. when she came home from her dreadful day of school she asked her mum “what’s for dinner,” she yelled. her mum said “roast lamb and with roast vege” for dinner and all the lollies you can think of for pudding.” “REALLY” she said.

Here is my feedback and something I’m doing well

Labour Weekend

On Friday the 20th of October we had to get up at six o’clock because we were going to Tokaanu. Which is 3 hours and 42 minutes away. We were taking my Dad’s boss’s boat with us. My Dad and my stepmum (Trish) did food shopping the night before. We stopped in Waiouru for breakfast i had two fried eggs on toast with bacon and chips and a spirit.

On Saturday we took the boat out to lake taupo. Then we meet the harbor master, his name is Pete. He helped us launch the boat and he told us where we could take the biscuit out. We found a medium sized piece of pumice. When we were on the lake we found a large piece of pumice floating on the water. I tried to grab it but I kept on missing it so Trish grabbed it. Then we went home because it was lunch time. After lunch we went to the spa at the hotel, we blew Isabelle’s heart floaty up so she could swim in it. When we got there there were a lot of people in the big spa, so we went to the smaller spa.

On Sunday we went to Lake Taupo again. We found one big piece of pumice and nine small pieces. Then we went out on the biscuit and we got Lily off it two times Trish off once and I fell off once as well. We had to go back to the hotel early because Trish ran out of her Inhaler so we had to pack up all of our stuff and go home. On monday we went home to my mums house. That was my long Weekend.

School Holidays Term 3

On Monday and Tuesday I went to my mum’s work with her because I’m not allowed to stay home by myself, and I brought my roller-skates with me. I fell over once because I got them for Christmas and it’s tricky because I’m not that good yet. On Wednesday we had to get up at 5:00am to go to Wellington airport it’s strange because it’s unnormal to get up that early and it was freezing. We were picking up my Mum’s boyfriend Nick. He was staying until Sunday. We went to mcdonald’s for breakfast and then we went to the mall we went into whitcoulls first and my Mum brought Me Lily and Isabelle one thing each. I got a squishmallow and Isabelle got one too, Lily got a book I forgot what book she got. Nick brought a game called wingspan and then we headed home. after dinner and after we watched a movie and put Isabelle to bed we played wingspan. It takes an hour to play and the game is for 14+ and i’m only 11 and I can bet lily at it. On Saturday Lily went to our Nana’s house for the week I was so happy because I got the bedroom to myself. On Sunday we had to drop Nick off at the airport so we spent the whole day in Wellington. We went to the american shop and Me and Isabelle got a posh pop they were really yum Isabelle got it everywhere. When we got to the airport my Mum said we can go inside the airport I was excited because I’ve never gone inside an airport before. I don’t like it when Nick has to leave it makes Me sad. The next day an envelope that had a lot of glitter came for Lily because it is nearly her birthday.

My option classes

Textiles with Whaea Anne is my favourite subject at the moment. The reason why I like it is because we get to use sewing machines. It’s really fun because we get to make pillows and next year we’ll make bags. first we had to choose what fabric we like. Next we cut the fabric in 20 cm squares you could choose four different colors or two I chose a gray one and a flower one they look really nice together. Next we ironed them and then we are going to sew them together. and then put fluff in them. The easiest thing to do is sew in a straight line but the hardest thing is to thread the needle.

All About Me!

My name is Ellie.

I’m in DHT my teacher is Whaea Destine. I am a year 7.

My favourite subject is Dance And Drama because we get to dance and play games and there is a big staircase in the corner. My second favourite subject is Whakairo because we get to make cool stuff with wood. My third favourite subject is music because we play cool instruments.

My hobby is to draw. My favorite thing to draw is mushrooms, cats and flowers and play with my little sister Isabelle.

I have two cats a girl named Bella and a boy named Maximus.

Mushroom cat

fairy cat